What is a Cervical Orgasm?

16 September 2021

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The cervix is a lesser known pleasure point, often forgotten in the debate about whether the G-spot exists or not. In her bestselling book The Vagina Bible, gynaecologist Dr Jen Gunter addresses the G-spot myth by explaining that what we think of as the G-spot is actually the clitoris, which has a large internal structure that was only recently discovered.

“Basically,” Gunter says, “all pleasure roads lead to the clitoris.”

But is that the whole story? Not all professionals agree.

Cervical and clitoral stimulation light up different parts of the brain

In 2011 Barry Komisaruk PhD used an MRI to show that applying pressure to the cervix activated a part of the brain called the ‘genital sensory cortex’, disproving a belief commonly held by doctors that the cervix has no nerve endings. The cervix lights up a different part of the brain to that of clitoral pleasure, showing that it is an entirely distinct, orgasmic organ.

Sexual medicine expert Dr. Irwin Goldstein says: “The current nightmare is a misrepresentation of the cervix as not being sexual. In fact the cervix is quite sexual… it has triple innervation (three paired nerves run through the cervix). There are extremely few organs with triple innervation.’’

So if the cervix is sexual, and actually has more neural connections than the clitoris, then why do we hear so little about it?

Sigmund Freud has a lot to answer for

Freud declared that the vaginal orgasm was more ‘mature’ than the clitoral one. In response to that, feminists rightly rushed to the defence of the clitoris, and its potential for ecstatic satisfaction.

But along the way, our vaginal enjoyment has been dismissed as mythical or even unnecessary, which can result in a lot of us missing out on fully exploring our bodies, and experiencing the multitude of different kinds of orgasms that are possible.

The cervix is a pleasure hotspot, but not everyone experiences it that way. Many people with cervixes don’t like the cervix to be touched during sex as it can feel super sensitive to be ‘banged’.

Our society’s lack of awareness of cervical pleasure may be partly due to the way we have sex in modern times. In Slow Love: A Polynesian Pillow Book, James Powell describes his experiences of Polynesian love-making; an ancient practice of penetrative sex that involves being completely still together.

Powell believes the style of hard and fast sex is a modern invention, part of our society’s need to always be rushing. So the hurry of life invades our sex lives, and we are impatient to get towards orgasm.

Can your cervix become desensitised?

Olivia Bryant is a sexologist and founder of Self:Cervix, a course to help people awaken the cervix’s potential for orgasmic pleasure. Through her work she has found that many people experience the cervix as numb, and that this may be a result of the super sensitive nerves becoming desensitised from being hit too hard during sex, or from medical interventions like smear tests and the LLETZ procedure, which removes abnormal cells from the cervix.

Bryant teaches how gentle slow self-touch can gradually re-awaken nerves in the cervix. This can be time consuming, it’s not as fast as clitoral stimulation, but the results can be well worth the wait.

I asked women who have taken the Self:Cervix course about some of their experiences with cervical orgasms. They described them like this:

“Like the waves of the ocean washed away from the shore. You know that you will be thrown back to the beach but have no idea when, where or how.’’

‘’Expansive, vast, timeless, abundant, overflowing.’’

‘’If I want it too much, it doesn’t happen. When it does, everything tangible washes away and I have no edges or boundaries. My eyes stream tears in rivers and I may howl like a banshee, not a pretty sound at all. No sense of time but a huge sense of great space.’’

No wonder sex and relationship coach Kim Anami calls cervical orgasms ‘the queen of all orgasms’!

How to have a cervical orgasm

Cervical orgasms may be elusive and hard to achieve in conventional sexual intercourse, but there are things you can do to help.

Feminine sexuality empowerment coach Mangala Holland has some tips.

“So many women hold numbness and pain on the cervix,” she says, “not to mention it’s where we hold all our emotional ‘stuff’. So regular, gentle massage is super helpful, either with your fingers, your partner’s fingers, or by using a glass wand.’’

Holland says that as the cervix ‘wakes up’ to sensation, you may experience a weird feeling that you can’t seem to describe as either pleasure or pain. This is actually a good sign, and as you slowly release any tension or discomfort, pleasure will follow. After practising regular massage sessions for a while you might want to notice what brings pleasurable feelings to the cervix, and follow whatever feels good. Just as many of us learnt how to experiment with clitoral masturbation, we can do the same with the cervix.

During sex, if your partner has a penis, you could try suggesting going very slow, so that you can tune into the more subtle sensations in the cervix. Cervical orgasms aren’t the kind that come easily if you go seeking them; often they appear unexpectedly when you are simply relaxing and noticing what’s there.

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